Generes Family,  Javain

Jean Constantine DeGeneres Family Tree – Reference Snapshot

Here is a quick visual screenshot overview of the DeGeneres Family tree from Jean Constantine DeGeneres’ children, parents, and grandparents. This is intended for a quick reference.

Here is a snapshot of Jean Constantine and Zepherine’s Family Group Sheet:

I also made one for Jean Constantine’s parents and siblings. This will help to understand a later marriage as well. Jean and Zepherine’s firstborn daughter Marsollina marries her first cousin Edouard Denis de Generes. Edouard is the firstborn son of Jacques Antoine, Jean Constantine’s oldest brother.


  • Jessica

    Hello, Corinne. I came across your blog recently, and I am glad you are continuing to update the De Generes story. I am a descendent of Octavia Fredericka who married Pierre Auguste Marye. Zepherine and Jean Constantine are my fifth great-grandparents. I’ve always wondered about my Saint-Domingue ancestors, and the breadth of the information you have compiled here is really amazing. It’s a complex history, weaving as it does through uprising and revolution, loss, resettlement, some undocumented deaths, and, I’m sure, much that is still obfuscated. There is also the reckoning that must be done with the vicious exploitation that was at the heart of the Saint-Domingue colony. You’ve clearly spent a great deal of time thinking and researching on these matters, and I am grateful that you’ve decided to share what you have learned.

    • CEBHAB

      Jessica, Thank you so much for your kind words. I really appreciate you taking the time to write me. I have worked on my ancestry for years. My aunt encouraged me to get the stories I have compiled out into the world. I had to overcome many fears and just do it! Yes, the story is so painful at times it hurts my heart to share it. I am trying my best to navigate it and also honor all of their stories. Best wishes, and truly thank you for your comments. You made my day!